Tile & Stone Restoration

Residential & Commercial

Experts In

Ceramic Tile

Common in kitchens and bathrooms, ceramic tiles are easy to clean but require attention to grout to prevent staining and mildew growth.

Porcelain Tile

Known for its strength and moisture resistance, porcelain tile cleaning focuses on maintaining its lustrous finish.

Stone Tile

Includes varieties such as marble, granite, slate, and travertine. Each type requires specific cleaning solutions to avoid damaging the stone.

Quarry Tile

Often used in commercial kitchens due to its durability and slip resistance; requires regular cleaning to remove grease and food residues.

Glass Tile

Used mainly for decorative walls and backsplashes, glass tiles need gentle cleaning methods to prevent scratching.

Mosaic Tile

Small tiles that may be made from ceramic, porcelain, or glass, needing careful cleaning to preserve the intricate designs.

Saltillo Tile

A type of terracotta tile that is very porous and requires specific, gentle cleaning techniques to avoid water damage.

Cement Tile

Known for their patterns and colors, cement tiles require regular sealing and gentle cleaning to prevent fading.

Terrazzo Tile

A composite material made of chips of marble, quartz, or glass, requiring polishing and specific care to maintain its shine.

Vinyl Tile

Includes luxury vinyl tile (LVT) and vinyl composite tile (VCT), which are durable but can accumulate dirt in textured surfaces and along edges.

Linoleum Tile

A natural material that needs regular cleaning with pH-neutral solutions to avoid damage.

Pebble Tile

Often used in showers and decorative areas, pebble tiles require careful cleaning to remove soap scum and debris from between the stones.

Our Process


First, the area is assessed to determine the type of tile and grout, and any specific stains or areas of concern are identified. This helps in choosing the appropriate cleaning solutions and methods.

Area Preparation

Furniture and other movable items are cleared from the area to ensure unrestricted access to the tile and grout.

Dry Soil Removal

The floor is thoroughly swept or vacuumed to remove loose dirt and debris. This step prevents any dry soil from turning into mud during the wet cleaning process.

Application of Cleaning Solution

A professional-grade tile and grout cleaning solution is applied to break down grease, dirt, and stains. The solution is allowed to dwell for several minutes to soften tough grime.


For deeper cleaning, mechanical agitation (using brushes or other tools) is used to scrub the grout lines and the surface of the tile. This helps in dislodging soil from the grout and surface pores of the tile.

Rinse & Extract

Using high-pressure water extraction equipment, the floor is rinsed while simultaneously vacuuming up the water and loosened dirt. This method ensures that no residue is left behind and helps in fast drying.

Grout Sealing

Once the tile and grout are clean and dry, a sealer can be applied to the grout lines. This sealing process helps prevent future staining and makes regular cleaning easier.


Air movers or fans may be placed strategically to speed up the drying process, ensuring the area can be returned to normal use as quickly as possible.

Final Inspection

A final walkthrough is performed to ensure that the cleaning meets the company’s high standards and the client’s satisfaction. Any touch-ups required are addressed during this stage.

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